How do I get the right pressure for my bike wheels?


Use the proper pressure in the wheels of your bike or car. e-bike Mark the difference. Having the ideal pressure reduces the risk of punctures and provides a more comfortable and precise, as well as fast, ride.



First of all, you must know the two units of measurement used to measure tire pressure; the PSI (pounds per square inch) and the bar. In Spain the bar is usually used more, but most manufacturers indicate the pressure with PSI. 1 bar = 14.5 PSI.

In general, the tire pressure should be 10% of the cyclist's weight plus that of the bike. And you must know the absolute upper limit, which is the maximum pressure that should not be exceeded for safety, it is written on the side of the cover.

Higher pressure means lower rolling resistance and better protection against punctures. On the other hand, less pressure on the tires offers greater grip and comfort, since the tire absorbs more impacts. Starting from this and taking into account that there is no optimal pressure for all wheels, the influencing factors are:




Rider and bike weight

The weight of the bike, the cyclist and the luggage are one of the main factors to take into account, since the inflation pressure depends on the load exerted on the tire.

The greater the weight, the greater the pressure required. Generally, for each additional kilogram that the tire supports, the pressure should be increased by 1%. In percentage, not 1PSI.

Additionally, weight is usually not divided equally between tires, so it is recommended to use different pressures. 60% of the cyclist's weight is carried by the rear wheel, so greater pressure can be carried on it. In this way, the front wheel will have greater grip and stability, this is ideal since it is what makes the bike turn and absorbs much of the impact of terrain irregularities.




Surface to be ridden on, road conditions

The appropriate pressure, taking into account the surface, is what allows the tire to absorb the vibrations of the road, so the wheel will be faster and the ride more comfortable.

If the pressure is too low, the bike will feel heavy when pedaling. And if you can feel every imperfection in the road, the pressure is too high.

On good pavement, the tires will feel good at 100PSI, but if it's rough, you'll ride faster at 90PSI. The smoother and firmer the ground, the more pressure will be beneficial. If riding on wet or muddy roads, it should be a little less, to reduce the risk of slipping when cornering.

In addition, the temperature must be taken into account, every 10ºC less, the tire will lose 0.1 bar, since the air contracts with the cold.


Wheel size

Another factor to take into account is the size, diameter and width of the wheels.

By looking at the width of the tire and adjusting the pressure to it, you can achieve a pressure measurement that is very close to the ideal. In general, for every millimeter that the width of the tire is reduced, the pressure must be increased by 0.5 bar.

The wider the tire, the less pressure you need. Narrow tires on road bikes need high pressure to ride on the road without punctures, while wider tires like those on road bikes mountain bikes, waves fat bike, require less pressure.


Bicycle type

Finally, we are going to talk to you about the pressure that bikes need depending on their type:

  • MTB wheel pressure

Assuming that not all Mountain bikes They are the same, the pressure also depends on the use you give it. If you use your MTB in the city and for weekend walks in the forest, 3 bar is a good starting point. You will have good rolling resistance on asphalt and before a route in the forest you can release a little air to have better traction.

On the other hand, if you use MTB tires tubeless, your wheels can roll with less pressure, since you have less chance of getting a puncture. And if you often ride on demanding terrain, you should keep the pressure as low as possible, but high enough to protect tires and tires.

  • Tire pressure for road bikes

In general, for 25mm road bike wheels, 7 bar is sufficient pressure. But, as we have mentioned previously, there is no standard that works for everyone, so this can be a good starting point to modify it according to the rest of the factors mentioned above.

And remember, it is important to periodically check the pressure, since tires lose air naturally. The amount of air they lose will depend on whether they have small punctures, the wear of the material or the fit between the rim and the tire. The higher the tire pressure, the faster the air loss.


You know, knowing the correct pressure for your bike wheels at all times and circumstances will allow you to improve performance and gain comfort and confidence.